UPDATE 10.Mar.2014
Still, no updates, no iOS updates, just broken links to non-existent references. Truly a bait-and-switch app. Caveat Emptor.
UPDATE 7.Apr.2013
No fixes. And, it seems the readings are only excerpts because many articles refer to a book ("in this book," or "back of the book") and we dont get to see the referenced material. Maybe its just me but Ive been managing for 10 years in a technical, global company and the content in the app appears more like teaser material than actual material with substance one can use. Bait and switch. Lastly, their is no "App Support" at the HarperCollins website you land after pressing the button here in iTunes App Store. So, my write-up here is hopefully money-saving to future prospectors!
The app needs work. First, I cant find the "Jargon Buster," a kind of glossary referred to in the readings (e.g., Financial section). Second, the links to Secrets dont give you reverse navigation, so you need to back up to the TOC structure and re-navigate to your lesson/reading.
Im hoping an update can fix these items.
Stuke about Business Secrets